Nottingham in Parliament Day logo
The University of Nottingham logo
University of Nottingham
Dining Room B
Tuesday 25th October 2016 (14:00-15:45)

For more information, email Nicola Tidy (Nottingham City Transport).

Online registration available here


Why public transport in Nottingham is the best in the UK

About the event (14.00 - 14.45 and 15.00 - 15.45)

An opportunity to look at a successful alternative to the franchised public transport model. Nottingham is viewed as a beacon for Public Transport best practice, with its operators and the local authority regularly winning awards for excellence. Patronage, passenger satisfaction, punctuality and journey times are all improving. A proven track record of innovative partnership working between the local authority and progressive operators, delivering consistent improvements over the past 10 years.


  • Jeff Counsell (Managing Director, Trent Barton)

  • Mark Fowles (Managing Director, Nottingham City Transport)

Supported by:

  • Nottingham City Transport
  • Trent Barton
  • Nottingham Express Transit
  • The University of Nottingham

Get in touch

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